Author: Adam Jaromir
Illustrator: Gabriela Cichowska
Year: 2014
Publisher: Media Rodzina
Place of publication: Poznań
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9788372789907
Notes: The book was originally published in German.
- Fräulein Esthers letzte Vorstellung: eine Geschichte aus dem Warschauer Ghetto, [Langenhagen]: Gimpel-Verlag 2013, pp. 115, ISBN: 9783981130089;
- La dernière représentation de mademoiselle Esther: une histoire du ghetto de Varsovie, trans. N. Lemaire, Vincennes: Des Ronds dans l’O éditions, 2017, pp. 112, ISBN: 9782917237984;
- 바르샤바 게토의 마지막 공연: 코르착의 아이들과 에스테르 선생님의 이야기, trans. 박종대, 파주시: 꿈교출판사, 2015, pp. 128, ISBN: 9791185928074.

This picture book tells the story of the last days of the Orphan Home run by Janusz Korczak in the Warsaw Ghetto. On the first spread, a calendar page is shown with the date of 13 May 1942, when the Old Doctor began writing his journal. All residents were led to Umschlagplatz and transported to Treblinka as soon as on 5 or 6 August of the same year.
The text is composed of alternating accounts of events by Korczak and one of the girls living in the orphanage. The two narratives have been printed in varying fonts, stylized as the characters’ respective journals. Thus, on the one hand, we follow the daily difficulties of managing the lives of over two hundred children, collecting money and food to feed them all, maintaining order at the Home, and life lessons taught to the children. On the other hand, we find ourselves among them, observing their dilemmas, squabbles and the way they put the democratic rules of the Orphan Home into practice. In time, both perspectives concentrate around the eponymous show: Miss Esterka, a guardian at the Home, rehearses Rabindranath Tagore’s The Post Office with the children. The play was indeed staged on 18 July 1942 for invited guests. It brought the children hope for freedom and turned their attention away from the misery around them.
In Miss Esterka’s Last Show, the Holocaust remains outside of the Orphan Home’s walls for the orphans, who are well-protected by their guardians from the suffering and terror. However, the reader experiences its dreads through the eyes of Janusz Korczak – the medical doctor and head of the orphanage, who paces through the Ghetto almost daily. On his way, he encounters children dying of hunger and passers-by with armbands with the blue star of David, separated from their happy, pre-war past with a brick wall. The largely idyllic tale of the Orphan Home is also counterbalanced by illustrations, for example a map of the Jewish quarter, a depiction of the footbridge over Chłodna Street joining the so-called “Small Ghetto” and the “Large Ghetto”, or the portrait of a Nazi soldier. The story concludes on the night of 18 July. The violent liquidation of the orphanage is only mentioned in the afterword and alluded to in the final spread, showing a black page from a calendar with the date of 6 August.
The text, based on historical material (apart from the Orphan Home itself, another example is the historical figure of the so-called “Frankenstein”, a notorious Nazi soldier feared in the Ghetto), contains covert quotations from Korczak’s writings and references to his children’s books (for example, Mośki, Joski i Srule and Józki, Jaśki i Franki).
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